Our Mission is to lead God’s chosen people to Faith and to the Knowledge of the truth that leads to a Godly life. It is to inspire, encourage, to teach God’s word and build disciples of all nationalities in every nation
Who are We
We are a Non-denominational church believing in the uncompromising word of God.
What we Believe
We believe there is only one GOD, the Father through creation (Isaiah 44:6), Jesus, the SON of GOD according to the flesh (Romans 1:3), The Holy GHOST is the spirit of GOD (Jn 14:16- 26), but these three are the manifestations of the one GOD (1 John 5:7). Jesus is the beginning and the ending of the Almighty.
What Do We Teach
We use both the Old and New Testaments as the foundation for our faith and the inspiration for our daily lives. We put those teachings into practice at home and work.
Just as Jesus said in the Beatitudes, Blessed are the poor and the hungry. Our mission is not just to love one another, but to make sure we spread the love of the Gospels everywhere.
Pastor Ted Green started the ministry in 2004 and knew that gifts of healing and miracles are for today.
Pastor Ted’s workshops help the brotherhood through understanding the trials and temptations that come with challenging men.